Reproductive Health
Herbal Medicines
- Need to aware the community on traditional knowledge and uses on herbal medicines through various exhibitions/ melas/ pamphlets/-raising nursery etc. Because the people are more depended on the allopathic medicines, which are very costly, harmful as well not easily available in the local area.
- The community ignores the usefulness of herbal medicines.
- Need to make aware the community regarding the government policy on Ayurvedic treatment center and advocacy.
- Training to Dais for up gradation skill.
- Need to be trained new dais in the new area.
Linkages with the referral hospitals for speedy attention to risky deliveries; a mechanism for easy reporting of cases handled by the dais. This will help maintain accurate record, either at the panchayat or at the PHC.
Arogya Sakhi
- The women of the area are having serious reproductive health problems due to un awareness and lack of gender sensitizing. There are also lots of blind beliefs affects the women health. So, the require the more Arogya sakhi as well as up gradation training to the old arogya sakhi.
- Linkages the Arogya sakhi with the PHCs and CHCs for further treatment of the women and strengthening the referral systems.
Program with Newly married couple:
- Due to lack of awareness regarding the sex education among the rural youth, they sufferer a lot and having various problems related to health and social. It also found that there is no any mechanism at village level for getting these type of information on it, So SARTHI will provide the information through various workshops/seminars mela cum exhibition and training to the youth/newly married couple.
Village volunteers:
- Linkages with the government health schemes for providing health services to the village community.
- 2.Training to village volunteers for up
- gradation skill.
Formation and Strengthening the Village Development Committee (VDC):
· Formation and strengthening the VDCs for linkages with the Government schemes and supervise and manage the SARTHI’s trained cadre (Dais, Arogya Sakhis, local healers, leaders of SHGs, village volunteers, Panchayat members, para legal worker etc.)
Program with adolescent girls through holistic health approach:
- Program with the adolescent girls for providing the education on health, values, literacy, gender and social aspect that helps them for build the self-confidence.
The area is still requiring a strong role of women in the panchayati raj institutions. The women panchayat members including Sarpanch are not much active in their respective role. The male are still dominates the women in the panchayati raj activities and important decisions. Through the various training and workshops/exposure we can sensitize the men and women and develop their capacity for leadership skill.